Wednesday, 20 April 2016

My colonial Williamsburg story

Date: 8/19/16

     I'm going to talk about Colonial Williamsburg. It is a royal colony that is in Virginia. This is a story is in the perspective of a normal colonist. He will explain the things he does and the places he goes.

     I’m the father of a boy and we live in Virginia's royal colony, Williamsburg. It is a nice place. My son goes to school everyday. He likes to write in school with his very own quill. He goes to the college of William and Mary. It's the best school in the colony.

     One of the places I myself like to go is to the cobbler's house. The cobbler makes the best shoes that fit just right. He always measures your feet to make the shoes perfect. Some cobblers fix shoes just as well as they make them. That's just one of the places I go. I also visit the Governor to check to see if there are any new laws. Why you ask? Because that's the Governor's job. He takes the bills that people send him and either makes them laws or denies them. The Governor has a very good job. He gets to choose the rules that we have to follow. He gets to tell you what to do and what not to do.

     In a few weeks I will be going to Colonial Williamsburg myself. I'm going on the BCS trip. I can't wait to see all the amazing stuff there. I will see if I can recognize anything from the book there. I really hope I can see something from the book in real life. It will be a very fun experience because I've never been to Virginia or anywhere that is in the history book. However, I think  it will be very fun no mater where we go I can't wait!

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