Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The thing

An amazing thing will happen to. Maybe today or tomorrow. You will never know when or why it happens. But when the time is right something amazing will happen. It will indeed and it will be truly amazingly fun.

The Triceratops

                                     The triceratops
The triceratops is a very interesting dinosaur. It's name means three horned. It uses its horns to defend itself. The triceratops is a very interesting dinosaur. It's also my personal favorite.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

My favorite apps are angry birds Star Wars and roblox. I play them all the time. They are very fun to play to me at least. I play them all the time Maybe even now ooooooooh. Roblox is really fun you can play tons of games. Anything can be a game anything.

Friday, 6 February 2015

The mystic land of gadu

In a land not so far away called gadu. On gadu their was a magic wizard king. In gadu everything was magic there were magic dogs, dinosaurs. But the best of all was the sacred mystic blue and white fox brothers.