I love mega man he is awesome and cool. He has many variations to say the least. He also has tons of games to. I really want some of the older games they look really cool. I hope you look at some mega man games too.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
I a super happy today why you ask I don't know. I am filled with energy I had a very good day at school to. My favorite class of the day was tinkering I did my minecraft project. I was really fun because I did it with by friend Gabe. I also enjoyed science we did hour of code again it was awesome.
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
I love pixels they are really cool. I love them so much you can do lots of things with them. You can also make games with them. I like pixel art to its awesome and really cool. You should try pixel art it's cool. Did you know you can make games with sprites. Guess what you can make anything with pixel art. Pixel art is when you draw with just pixels they are really cool. Sprites sheets are a series of the Same character doing an action like walking.
Monday, 14 December 2015
how ya doin you ok is your day great mine is. Hope you can have a great day today. I love today it's great is your day good. I can't wait until tomorrow I'll have even more fun hopefully. I want to have fun don't you want to have fun to.
Sunday, 13 December 2015
i am going to make my own clay marble. I hope they work right this is my first time. I love marbles so now I'll try to make some out of clay. I'm going to make all kinds of designs and maybe. I can make different marbles do different things. Well tell you how they turn out later bye.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
I found this thing called kodu lab it seems pretty cool. I like it hope you do too or at least check it out. I don't know a whole bunch about just a little. I know it's kind like scratch almost but different I can't explain it. Well check it out your self see if you can explain it better than I did.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Secret sonic
Apparently there are a bunch of old sonic characters. Here are a few names bark the bear, bean the duck and fang the sniper. Who knew there was a sniper in sonic how cool is that. I love sonic a lot more now that I know these cool characters. I hope I can find more characters later. Days on can you see if you know any of them.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
I want pi
as you know I really want to code and us raspberry pi. I hope I can to but in the mean time I can only hope. I don't have much to say today so this will be short. If you didn't know I have a seven year old brother named Justin. He doesn't come to my school much but he might next year. That's all bye bye see you later.
Monday, 7 December 2015
Hello, hi, howdy, hola
Howdy, how is your day going did you have fun. What is your favorite color. Do you have a favorite food or drink. Do you have a favorite game video game or out side. Answer in the comments please. Hope your day I beautiful bye bye.
Friday, 4 December 2015
I'm a Dino. Yes I am an amazing dinosaur. I love dinosaurs they are the best. Even better than an unlimited amount of icecream. Do you like Dino's I love them my favorite is tied between a pachysaurus and a triceratops. I also love dragons.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Ford freedom
When you look at the photos it's possible for everyone to see something different. Your imagination helps you see what you can see. There is a clear version and a unfocused version of each picture. Is it what you thought it was? Did you use your imagination? So think outside of the box, get creative, and let your imagination soar!
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Magic 2
On a different planet, there are people who you use you guess it magic. On the plant was a baby named John. John knew how to use magic well as a baby. He used his magic for amusement. People tried to steal John because most kids couldn't even use magic. But his mother was the most powerful wizard of them all.
What about his dad you say o he works a at McDonald's. Together the rounded up all the criminals that even tried to touch John. (Some civilians where also I repeat also captured and put in jail). Now where we oh yes and they lived happily ever after yaaaaaaay.
On a different planet, there are people who you use you guess it magic. On the plant was a baby named John. John knew how to use magic well as a baby. He used his magic for amusement. People tried to steal John because most kids couldn't even use magic. But his mother was the most powerful wizard of them all.
What about his dad you say o he works a at McDonald's. Together the rounded up all the criminals that even tried to touch John. (Some civilians where also I repeat also captured and put in jail). Now where we oh yes and they lived happily ever after yaaaaaaay.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Megabyte punch
It is like smash bros but with full custamization. You are a robot and you fight your friends who are also robots. You can get new parts in the storymode. The more parts you get the more options you have. It's really cool though I love and you should to. It is your choice but I recommend it.
Monday, 30 November 2015
In Globlins you pop these tiny little monsters. When the pop the shoot globs of goo. If the goo hits another monster it pops to. When you pop a monster it takes one drop. If you run out of drops you lose. If you pop a chain of 3 monsters you gain one drop. If the meter overflow you get money. You can also make your own levels.
In Globlins you pop these tiny little monsters. When the pop the shoot globs of goo. If the goo hits another monster it pops to. When you pop a monster it takes one drop. If you run out of drops you lose. If you pop a chain of 3 monsters you gain one drop. If the meter overflow you get money. You can also make your own levels.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
I want a chrome book for christmas. the only reason i want one is to get steam. My friend said its really cool so i want it. It has lots of awesome games and stuff. plus i could do awesome stuff with a chrome book. I probably won't get one but i'll ask regardless. I hope I can get one though it would be very useful
thanks giving poam
My Thanksgiving Poem
I am thankful for stumpt inc. because without them I'd be a sad sap
I am thankful bemo. He is amazing and hilarious
I am thankful for cat bug. He is also amazing and hilarious.
(Places you go)
I am thankful for my house. It keeps me warm and happy.
I am thankful for my grandma's house. It keeps my warmer and happier.
I am thankful for beds and small spaces. That's where I spend the most time.
I am thankful for my mom. I'm here because of her.
I am thankful for my brother. He is funny
I am thankful for my grandpa and grandma. They are very happy and they make me happy.
I am most thankful for Sherman. He cheers me up when I get sad.
I am thankful for stumpt inc. because without them I'd be a sad sap
I am thankful bemo. He is amazing and hilarious
I am thankful for cat bug. He is also amazing and hilarious.
(Places you go)
I am thankful for my house. It keeps me warm and happy.
I am thankful for my grandma's house. It keeps my warmer and happier.
I am thankful for beds and small spaces. That's where I spend the most time.
I am thankful for my mom. I'm here because of her.
I am thankful for my brother. He is funny
I am thankful for my grandpa and grandma. They are very happy and they make me happy.
I am most thankful for Sherman. He cheers me up when I get sad.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Raspberry pi
Yummy right nope it's a computer board. You can make lots of things with it. It is really cool. I don't have one but I plan on getting one soon. I don't know a lot about them. I searched up other tech stuf to here is a list. Raspberry pi, beagle board, banana pi, fxi Cotten candy, Cotten candy, gum stick, gumstix and a xbee. That's a lot right so go search them up and learn. Write to you later friends bye bye.
Friday, 20 November 2015
Many lands
In many lands you can make anything at all. Like a flying dog or swimming banana. It's a really random game. It has lots of crazy wacky stuff. I can't say much because you can do almost anything you want. This is all I can think of so bye.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
King tongue
King tongue is a fighting game but you swing to attack. Lots of punching and explosives interesting right. Guess what you fight bananas yes walking evil bananas. It's a cool game I plan on playing but it costs money. It's a cool game if you want it get if you don't who cares. So that's all see you later bye bye.
Monday, 16 November 2015
Sketch breaker
sketch breaker is a game where you have to shoot the ball at the colors. If you hit a color three times it will explode. In some levels you get these little characters. Each one helps you in a different wayThere are also power ups that you buy. My favorite is the one that turns everything to gold. The hard paint can only be broken with a power shot. To do a charge shot you have to hold it down.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Viva piƱatas
Viva piƱatas is a game where you raise piƱatas. It's kind of like dragon Valle except with piƱatas. So the object of the game is to expand and improve your garden. PiƱatas join and even become resistants at your garden. If a piƱatas going to be a resistant it has to reach the requirements. Sadly each piƱata has different requirements. That's pretty much the whole game, but there is one more type of piƱata. Sour piƱatas they are basically jerks. They come and mess up all your stuff but you can tame them. That is literally all you do in the game. Bye have a good day.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
PiƱata are so amazing the are made for breaking. What else in the world is made for you to smash open. PiƱatas combined some of my two favorite things smashing and candy. Plus piƱatas can look like anything the also have streamers woooooooo. I love love love piƱatas hope you love them to.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Gem dome Part 6
Yeaahhhhhh, the crowd roars as some animals start to brawl. "Flame lion axe" "polar bear nunchucks". The choose weapon after weapon after weapon. But neither can land a single blow. " lion gem secret art blazing spinner". A thin blade cuts through the enemy over and over again."Did you see that folks I can't believe it" the comemtater says. "That was amazingly powerful but polar bear is still standing". "Eat this" "polar bear gem secret art ice drillers". Small drills appear and drill down the opponent. "Can't wait to see who wins this one folks".
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Gem dome part 5
"so do you understand monsters yet" "yep sure do". "all kinds of animals will have gems" now let's go to the gem dome". Bumble says as he pulls out the bee board. "Now hop on" Riuo slowly hops on the board. It starts to glow and then just stands there. "What happened" Riuo asks confused. "You didn't request a designation". "Ok bee board take me to the gem dome" " yeaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" the crowd roars. As two gem animals brawl it out.
Monday, 9 November 2015
Lbx is a show about these little robots. The robots battle each other to solve conflicts and in tournaments. The have so many different parts and bases I love them. Lbx stands for little battler experience. Hints the small robots you should watch the show some time.
Friday, 6 November 2015
These are some cells I know of. They are very interesting to say the least. Cells can do many things I love them. They are very tiny yet very interesting. There are amazingly complex.
slime mold
Downy mold
slime mold
Downy mold
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Take a look at these beautiful kitty's. Aren't they amazing I hope you like cats. I found some adorable pictures online. The I said I'll share these and but them on my blog. Not everyone likes cats especially Sydney. She doesn't seem to like cats at all.
Here is a kitty blog link.
Kitty blog

Here is a kitty blog link.
Kitty blog
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Hello :)
Hello my name is Jaylen what's yours. I love science and games and playing with friends. I also love tv and fossils. My dream is to become a famous scientist. That invents amazing things, I have ideas and designs I just need equipment. What do you like to do tell me in the comments. Hope you can do exactly what to do when you grow up. Bye have fun.
When I got minecraft
The day I got minecraft I was so happy I felt like I would explode. I woke up early as usual and watched some tv. My brother woke up next, then my mom. The second she got up I asked her if she could buy it and she said yes. I dashed to the computer as my mom slowly walked there. When she got there I was already at the minecraft page we started to make an account. My usual username was taken so I used dinorex 75. It wasn't the best but still good then I started minecraft up. Made a world and just started building like crazy. On my journey I also found a bunny. I named him gubbels he was adorable. Then I made a crafting table and dyed some leather armour blue. I also added a beacon but I couldn't make it work. It was so much fun playing minecraft pc. Especially for the very first time. After that I got off and and went on with my day
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
World of goo
I found a game called world of goo. Seems cool and gooey I sounds awesome. Can't wait till I play it it sounds amazing. I don't know everything about it yet but it's cool. If anyone knows about it please tell me some more about it. I'm going to get it for free on my phone because I can't get it on my iPad.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Dr@w 3
This is willy he is cute and furry. I think he's awesome him don't you. My favorite part is the horn on his head do you see it. Tomorrow I'll randomize. I'll add all kinds of symbols to my drawing.
\ --------------- /
\ š³ š³ /
\ = /
\ --------------- /
\ š³ š³ /
\ = /
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
dear Kevyn I'm sorry it's really hard to keep up with frosty. I will still write about it just don't expect me to be constantly writing. I know you really like this so I'll try to write but if I don't don't be depressed.
Dra@w 2
Dragons are smart and cool hope you like the two I made. One is a baby the others an adult I love them both. I don't have a favorite this time I'll add something new each day. Today I added names tomorrow I'll add effects just for fun. Like maybe.š
Rocky. Blaze.
[^] [%}
\ / [[]>
\ / ; ;
/ \
Rocky. Blaze.
[^] [%}
\ / [[]>
\ / ; ;
/ \
Monday, 26 October 2015
Dr@w 1
Here are some beautiful robots I made. I think they are cool, most robots are. Tomorrow I plan on making dragons. Maybe I could make one flying. I really hope you like my awesome robots. I love they my favorite is number 2.
[]_[] @^@
/- -\ ( )
@@ ' '
$_$ 0=0
( ) / \
[ /\ ] ¥¥
[]_[] @^@
/- -\ ( )
@@ ' '
$_$ 0=0
( ) / \
[ /\ ] ¥¥
Friday, 23 October 2015
I think lil baby dragons are cute. And I think big dragons are fierce. All dragons have one thing in common the scales. All dragons have scales. Scales are hard and shiny kind of like armour. All lizards have scales. Most people think dragons, are fake but there are kamodo dragons.
Thursday, 22 October 2015
I like Pokemon it's pretty cool. There are so many kinds of Pokemon it's awesome. I believe Pokemon are awesome. In the Pokemon world Pokemon are super helpful. I think Pokemon are cool my favorite is cubchoo. He is so adorable he the cutest of them all. Except his snotty nose the weirdest part is it contains nutrients. I love him so much my second favorite is gibble. He is a little land shark who is amazing. That's all I can say about Pokemon for now.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Video game review
I like terraria it's is a cool game with lots of stuff in it. Like dragon armor, fire swords, dark axes and more. You can fight tons of monsters and bosses. You can also fully customize you character. You also start off with weapons which is great.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
My coding quest
Today I will continue my coding/programming quest. I'm still on the basics but I'm learning. I'm starting to understand the basics. Var is a variable so is let. Their is a difference between them. Let can't be change but var can be changed. I just started my code quest and it'll probably take a while. I know that once I learn I'll have a lot of fun programming. I could make tons of games about tons of stuff. but I'm stuck with the basics, at least for now.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Today I practiced my coding. I am getting better to say the least. It's less complicated than I thought. I'm learning using swifty. Swifty is a bird he is basically the teacher. You can tell he's a bird because of two reasons, one he tells you and two he acts like one. For example he says his favorite food is worms, and his favorite juice is beetle juice. I haven't gotten very far in my code journey but at least I started.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Half and Half
I love dinosaurs they are amazing. They are either very fast or very strong. Some can fly others can swim. But all of them have one thing in common. They are all from the past. Most of them are extinct but some are still alive. Did you know a crocodile is a living Dino, pretty cool right. My two favorite Dino's are pachys and triceratopses. I also love dragons with their awesome fire breath. Their scales are great too. Everything about dragons is amazing and fierce. My favorite thing a dragon does is break stuff with its tail. I just love watching it trash and bash stuff.
Well that's all for now write more later.
Well that's all for now write more later.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
did you know
Minecraft is amazing but it's actually not my favorite game. Minecraft is my second favorite game. I also have a 3rd favorite game . Yes that's right Minecraft is my 2nd favorite. My #1 favorite game is little big planet I love all of them. My favorite little big planet would have to be little big planet 2. Because you have the paintinator. It's basically a paint ball gun you can blast enemies with it. But little big planet 3 is amazing. They add three new characters odd-sock, toggle and swoop. But sack-boys is still there. So you may wonder what my 3rd favorite is I'll write that one tomorrow.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Digimon are digital monsters. There are many different series of the show. Every series has different Digimon. Some Digimon are friendly some are evil. In every Digimon series there is at least some form of Augumon. Augumon looks like an orange lizard and he can also shoot fire. Augumon is always in Digimon except for the newest one. In that version there's a toy Augumon that is made of Legos and shoots toy fire. It's called Digimon Fusion in that version. Digimon can fuse to become more powerful.
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Happy birthday to Sydney
Happy birthday to Sydney
I had just gotten off the bus. On the way to my locker I saw this mob of people. I went over to investigate and saw all the girls. They where huddled around a locker. I could instantly recognizable it. Why is everyone at Sydney's locker, I thought to my self. Ohh its her birthday, the locker was covered in construction paper and marker. And for a final touch a Hershey bar. "Here she comes" somebody says "go distract her". I went over to see thought I'd be interesting. Mijake goes over and starts talking. But Sydney wasn't to interested. So Mijake takes her backpack and runs. "We're done" someone says as Sydney grabs her backpack. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU". Then Sydney walks up says thanks and grabs the chocolate.
I had just gotten off the bus. On the way to my locker I saw this mob of people. I went over to investigate and saw all the girls. They where huddled around a locker. I could instantly recognizable it. Why is everyone at Sydney's locker, I thought to my self. Ohh its her birthday, the locker was covered in construction paper and marker. And for a final touch a Hershey bar. "Here she comes" somebody says "go distract her". I went over to see thought I'd be interesting. Mijake goes over and starts talking. But Sydney wasn't to interested. So Mijake takes her backpack and runs. "We're done" someone says as Sydney grabs her backpack. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU". Then Sydney walks up says thanks and grabs the chocolate.
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Vanilla mods
A mod is when something cool is added. Like maybe it could add a jet pack. There's mods for just about everything. There's a difference between mods and vanilla mods. A vanilla mod is made in minecraft, a mods just made for minecraft. I like vanilla mods better than mods. It's cool to see what you can really do in minecraft.
Yes kids should do chores. When you do chores you help your parents with things that need to be done. Parents do a lot so kids should help out to. You to be responsible to do your chore thats what you have to do. Chores may not be fun but you have to do them. Some people kids think chores aren't fair for them to do chores. Chores really aren't fair to adults because they do a lot more than kids do. Parents won't ask you to do hard chores and. And even if they do give you a chore you don't know how to do they teach you.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Frosty tumble in the tundra part 2 mini chapter
frosty recovered just in time, The ice cream cake polar bear inches away. Frosty runs as fast as he possibly can. Then is suddenly dragged under the snow. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" he screams "frosty were on the ground already". "Huh" "where are we" "where in our new camp". "If we're ever in trouble just come here". "Thanks for saving me the cake bear (short for icecream cake bear) almost got me". "No problem we should rest who knows what will happen tomorrow".
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Blocks world
Blocks world is a game about creating and sharing worlds. You can buy packs that give you new items. You can set commands into everything. There are little people called blocksters. They have funny square heads, they can't walk unless you command them to. There's swords, lasers, hover boards , rockets and more in blocks world. It's one of my favorite games to play.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Amoebattle is a game about amebas. Amebas are tiny single cell originisams. They're are carnivores and herbivores. Herbivores eat algae and carnivores eat other amoebas. All the cells have animal names like Sharks. Sharks are very fast carnivores, a shark is a carnivore cell. A cool herbivore cell is a stingray. Stingrays shoot lasers to poison the enemy. It is a very fun game to play.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
4 way soccer
We had lots of fun playing four way soccer today. It was cool, my team got 3rd. Today is the last day of four way soccer. Everyone was going for red, the problem was I was red. But I did a good job on defense. I love defense it's my favorite position. I'm really good at it too. I stop almost everything. I hope next time we play dodge ball. The blue team got around -6 to -8 points. We only got -2 points though.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Cube world
Tame flys, design weapons and hang glide across the world. You can do all that and more in cube world. In the beginning you choose a class ranger, warrior, wizard and rouge. Then you make and name a world. The worlds or Ginormous so much space to explore. You can find villages where you can sleep. There are all kinds of things in a village. Like an anvil where you can customize your weapons.
Friday, 25 September 2015
I love slimes I think they are amazing and wonderful. A slime is a little creature that looks like a ball. They are really squishy and bouncy. All slimes really do is jump around . But in some games you can fight them. They can do all kinds of things. Slimes can be different colors but most are green.
yestarday my mom promised to get this game I've been waiting forever for. But my grandma picks me up that day. Once I was at my grandmas house I couldn't wait until my mom got there. And when she did I came up and she said not now. So I waited until we got home. When I was home I just watch tv. Then when I was walking by her room, she said I could buy the game. So I raced to my room and my iPad won't turn on. So later when I was laying in my bed my mom walks in and tells my she fixed my iPad. Hooray.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Amoebattle is a game I've been waiting for since forever. I can't believe I have it now. I couldn't get it for about a year, because of my moms account.she couldn't buy any games that cost money. But she switched out her card for my new debit card. So I was finally able to get it. It is a pretty good game I think at least. Well that's all for now write more later.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
I like playing and on my phone it's very fun. I hove some awesome games. I love playing my iPad to. They both love the both . But I like my phone a little better. Ok a lot better I love my phone I have wifi every where (just not in Canada). It's awesome especially with headphones. Sadly my head phones broke so I can't us the one of the cushions is missing. But I love apple and android equally. What's your opinion?
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Bubble bobble remake
bub and bob are actually dragons. I love all the bubble bobble character and monsters. All the bubble bobble characters list bub,bob,bubu,peb,pab,chack'n,packy,woolen. I think it's a cool little game/games. I love everything about them the are just amazing. Hope you look it up some time.
If I could be a super hero I would be kid flash. I would be the fastest thing alive. Nobody could catch me ever I'd be the best. I love speed I'd be so fast I could win any race and have enough time left to buy a victory milk shake. I could adventure any where because I could go any where. I love kid flash he is the coolest.
I used to absolutely hate writing but know I hate it a lot less.Writing in my blog is easier when I don't hate it. I think it's because of my mom she gave me this writing home work. I had to write a story about the picture on the page. Well what ever happened it's a lot easier now. Well I guess that's all for now write more later.
Gem dome 4 ( the video)
"Monsters can be captured using the gem gauntlet". "When you capture a monster it becomes your ally". "Some monster can be ridden,some fly, even swim"." But all of them fight using one of these elements fire,water,air,earth, light,power and darkness". "small monsters are easy to catch big ones are not". "Captured monsters stay in different rooms in your gauntlet". "This is the end of the monster video thanks for watching".
Bubble bobble
I like bubble bobble it's two Dinosaur brothers who shoot bubbles. One is green the other is blue they are pretty cool. I love them they are adorable and funny too. There's a lot of little bubble bobble Dino's. The green ones name is bub the others bob. I hope you like me little info story about bubble bobble.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Gem dome 3
"I'm a gem spirit of course every gem has a spirit". "Ok gem spirit got it what kind of stuff can you do". " Well I can create any weapon you want or anything you want using your aura. "My aura" "shhh we're here the mystic forest best place to train ever found. "Train for what the gem dome of course using my powers and your monsters we'll win". "What monsters" " I'll show you " downloading video... video downloaded.
More later
More later
Gem dome part 2
"Blumble ready for action" "what said that" Riuo said drowsily. "It's me your favorite gem Bumble" "cool" he replied. "But why are you on my arm, and why do I look like this"? "It's your power gem transformation silly" Blumble said. "My gem transformation I'm confused". "Don't worry I will explain everything lets go" replied Blumble. "Let's take the bee board ok just hop on it'll do the rest". "Blumble I'm confused what are you".
To be continued
To be continued
Dino trucks
dino trucks is a new Netflix series in going to watch. I watched a cool commercial about it and I liked it. It seemed like a funny iteresting show so I'm definitely going to watch it. I love Netflix it's great I can watch almost anything and learn about new shows and games. I enjoy alot it's really cool to me at least.
Psp vita
I want a psp vita it's cool my best friend has one. I want to get a game called invisimal ps read my invisimals post for more. The game is sweet it's a game were you use you surroundings to hunt and battle with invisimals. My favorite invisimal is tiger shark I wrote about him too. I hope I can get one soon at maximum is a month hopefully. I'm glad I know about invisimals I love them so much. That's all for now write more later.
gem dome part 1
Riuo's Story he love gems and magic so one day he went to the Wizards hut. And dumped his favorite gem in magic powder. Suddenly the gem merged with him strips of dark blue gems flowed across his entire body. Then his fur turned white and then a name flashed before his eyes. "Blumble the crystal bee what does that mean" he asked?
To be continued
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Oober jackal
Oober jaket is a invisimal that became to attached to people worshiping him. He went crazy and had two voices in his head. Oober jakel and tiger shark were friends until they got in a fight. Tiger shark won the fight and binding Oober jakel to the temple they lived in. Oboer jakel is blue and white not as colorful as tiger shark though. Oober jakel can shoot energy waves or trap opponents in energy balls.
tiger shark
Tiger shark is a land invisimal he looks like a tiger and a shark of course. He is very very fast and super powerful. He I very smart too he helps the team with his knowledge and strength. He hates the x-tractors and is pretty good at breaking them. Tiger shark is four colors red,black,orange and blue. That is my second time writing about invisimals.
Invisimal's are creatures you can only see in the invisimal world. But in are world they can move play talk walk but we can't see them. It's a tv show on Netflix I like it. I played the game on my friends psp vita I saving up to get one. The Invisimals world is being attacked by the x-tractors. the x-tractors are taking important thing in the invisimal world and using them for power. That's all I know now I'll write again later.
Mega walls
Yesterday I played mega walls in minecraft. First you choose a class they have a lot of choices. Then choose a map and wait until a hundred people join then the game starts. You have to gather resources to destroy the opponent' wither. Once their wither is gone they can't respawn. Wonce the withers are down you just destroy you r opponents. And that's all you have to do in mega walls. The server you can play it on is hypixel.
Eian's nana's cottage
Yesterday I went to my brothers friend Eian's nana's cottage. At the cottage I swam in a lake and play on a raft. There were seven kids in total. I also did a little fishing there to. For lunch I had a sandwich, pop and chips. After that I swam in the lake a little more. Then we had Popsicle's called mystery middles, inside the flavors were all different. It was either lemon, bubble gum or watermelon.
Once that was done we played a game on the raft. You had to keep everyone on the raft away from the alligator. Then we play a different game were the biggest kid pulled us on a this board. We had to see how far we go or we just fall off. The last game we played before we left was when you pushed everyone of the raft. Then we had to leave, but on the way home we got a slurpie and free pizza. Once we where home I played minecraft while my mom made dinner. When dinner was done I took a shower and watch tv, until a 11:30 are so. Then I just a sleep finally my mom wakes me up and we all go to bed.
Once that was done we played a game on the raft. You had to keep everyone on the raft away from the alligator. Then we play a different game were the biggest kid pulled us on a this board. We had to see how far we go or we just fall off. The last game we played before we left was when you pushed everyone of the raft. Then we had to leave, but on the way home we got a slurpie and free pizza. Once we where home I played minecraft while my mom made dinner. When dinner was done I took a shower and watch tv, until a 11:30 are so. Then I just a sleep finally my mom wakes me up and we all go to bed.
Saturday, 1 August 2015
Little Big Planet
Little Big Planet is a really cool game where you start of as sackboy. Sackboy just looks like a brown doll . There are huge TV's explaining how too do things. You can use gadgets like grappling hooks, paintinators, and capes plus lots of other stuff to.you can play story levels or play levels other people made. You can also make new costumes or wear ones you already have. There are also mods at least that's what I call them, they have cool levels and some times new gadgets. That was my little summary on Little Big Planet.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Baku-tech are cool Japanese Bakugan. Some have barriers to stop other Bakugans. Others are stronger and knock Bakugan off the card. In the show people use side spin. It's when the Bakugan spins instead of rolls. The way you play Baku-tech is you knock off the opponent's Bakugan. If you and your opponent land a Bakugan on the gate card you battle. Whoever has the most g-power wins. That's my Baku-tech review.
Made by Jaylen
Made by Jaylen
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
I did it
I finally got my minecraft skin I'm so happy. I can't believe it I'm mean in pe. Now I won't for ever be a steve. Yes I am so happy go me I did it all by my self. Well that's my first summer blog post I know it's short. But that's ok as long as I did it right right.
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Friday, 5 June 2015
Best day ever
Today I had the author celebration, someone came to school and we went outside. It was so amazing I had so much fun today. I played gaga, ate cookies, brownies, and lots of other stuff. I had a great wonderful amazing day.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
The end of school is finally hear only a week left. I have so much planned for summer I'm going to Canada, sailing.i can't wait until summer it's going to be so fun. I'm also going to some camps I have a packed summer.
Friday, 29 May 2015
Boise, journey, adventure, bought, pipal, potatoes. Great, I, person, superb,terrible, kong, rather, phone. Do, pigs, pigeon, lion, penguins, panda,
The best word is Jaylen
Thursday, 28 May 2015
minecraft Clay solider
Minecraft Clay soldier mod is awesome. You can make an army of tiny guy and give them items, like a stick for a sword. There are tons of items you can give them even a diamond it give them amour and a diamond crown.
More about clay sholiders later.
More about clay sholiders later.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Frosty 5
Frosty and pop sail to the place they last saw the egg. Frosty runs as fast as he can trying not to run into a Dino. He grabs the egg and dashes for the boat ROAR a sprinkleasaurus trails behind. Frosty hears rumbling, "what now" suddenly hot fudge spews out of the volcano. "Come on frosty we need to go" pop says, frosty leaps and grabs hold of the ship. "Go go go" frosty screams, rumble "what's that" frosty asks. Suddenly the egg hatches.
Minecraft pc
the first day i got Minecraft pc I downloaded a vanilla mod. I got the more weapons mod, natural disasters mod and others to. Minecraft is my favorite game because of all the things you can do with it. You can be in survival, creative, servers and adventure maps. In survival you have to get get resources your self. That's the first time in pc.
Monday, 30 March 2015
Monday, 16 March 2015
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
I like Minecraft I believe it's amazing. Of course some people don't but I do. It is an absolutely amazing game and fun to play. I know tons of Minecraft songs and mods. Minecraft is awesome and I love it.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Lego club is a really cool thing where you get lego magazines every month or so. They have tons of codes and comics and just overall fun stuff. The newest magazine is about Ninjago and it shows you how to make a ninja mask . This it may mean nothing to you but to me it's awesome. So join the club it's pretty cool
Join today
Join today
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
The thing
An amazing thing will happen to. Maybe today or tomorrow. You will never know when or why it happens. But when the time is right something amazing will happen. It will indeed and it will be truly amazingly fun.
The Triceratops
The triceratops
The triceratops is a very interesting dinosaur. It's name means three horned. It uses its horns to defend itself. The triceratops is a very interesting dinosaur. It's also my personal favorite.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Friday, 6 February 2015
The mystic land of gadu
In a land not so far away called gadu. On gadu their was a magic wizard king. In gadu everything was magic there were magic dogs, dinosaurs. But the best of all was the sacred mystic blue and white fox brothers.
Friday, 30 January 2015
wonder essay
In the book Wonder written by R.J. Palacio Augest has to go to school but there is just on problem. (Question mark) His face looks a bit different from other peoples face.(Angry face) He has a cleft palette So school for him is horrible.(school) stares at him.(Eyes) I can’t tell you what he looks like because I don’t know.(Mystery face) I think Augest was never really different for other kids.( kids) I think wonder is about how pushing on and not giving up. (Hero)
In the first chapter August or auggie said this "I not an ordinary ten year old kid. (kid)I mean, sure, I eat ice cream.(Eating icecream) I ride my bike.(riding bike)I play ball.(ball)I have an Xbox.(Xbox)Stuff like that makes me normal I guess.(normal guy)Auggie must feel unordinary just because of his face.(weird guy)So he feels unordinary everywhere he goes.(unordinary)
In the sixth chapter auggie is meeting a principal for a school he may be going to.(principle) Auggie has never been to a real school he was home schooled.(home school)The principal’s name was Mr.Tushman. He was nervous because also was meeting three kids.(kids) The kid’s names were Jack, Julian and Charlotte.(names)The kids where taking him on a tour of the school. He ends up going to the school. Auggies favorite holiday is Halloween. (Costume)It's his favorite holiday because he gets to wear a mask.(mask) And a costume and no one can see his face. He can feel really really normal no will make fun of him.(normal man)He can be happy because none stares when he's wearing a mask. Auggie eventually gets two friends and loves school.(friends) Ones a girl the others a boy, the boys name is Jack and the girls name's Summer. But of course some person still doesn't like Auggie that
Julian! Julian was Augusts enemy and an just an overall mean person. He always teases and makes fun of Auggie’s face. He is very mean. He made fun of Julian too just because he likes auggie. Julian even left mean notes in their lockers. Of course they left notes to but theirs where silly and a little funny. So don't think every one is friends with auggie. I'm also not saying everyone hated auggie it's sort of in the middle.
I think wonder by R.J. Palacio is about being nice to people, no matter what they look like. And to be confident that you can do great things. Even if you look or feel different from other people. Push to do your best what you do no matter who you. And be just be a wonderful person just like August.
In the first chapter August or auggie said this "I not an ordinary ten year old kid. (kid)I mean, sure, I eat ice cream.(Eating icecream) I ride my bike.(riding bike)I play ball.(ball)I have an Xbox.(Xbox)Stuff like that makes me normal I guess.(normal guy)Auggie must feel unordinary just because of his face.(weird guy)So he feels unordinary everywhere he goes.(unordinary)
In the sixth chapter auggie is meeting a principal for a school he may be going to.(principle) Auggie has never been to a real school he was home schooled.(home school)The principal’s name was Mr.Tushman. He was nervous because also was meeting three kids.(kids) The kid’s names were Jack, Julian and Charlotte.(names)The kids where taking him on a tour of the school. He ends up going to the school. Auggies favorite holiday is Halloween. (Costume)It's his favorite holiday because he gets to wear a mask.(mask) And a costume and no one can see his face. He can feel really really normal no will make fun of him.(normal man)He can be happy because none stares when he's wearing a mask. Auggie eventually gets two friends and loves school.(friends) Ones a girl the others a boy, the boys name is Jack and the girls name's Summer. But of course some person still doesn't like Auggie that
Julian! Julian was Augusts enemy and an just an overall mean person. He always teases and makes fun of Auggie’s face. He is very mean. He made fun of Julian too just because he likes auggie. Julian even left mean notes in their lockers. Of course they left notes to but theirs where silly and a little funny. So don't think every one is friends with auggie. I'm also not saying everyone hated auggie it's sort of in the middle.
I think wonder by R.J. Palacio is about being nice to people, no matter what they look like. And to be confident that you can do great things. Even if you look or feel different from other people. Push to do your best what you do no matter who you. And be just be a wonderful person just like August.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Frosty 4
Adventures of frosty 4
Frosty and pop have made to hot fudge island and are looking for a ice cream dino egg . As the travel they don't see a single egg. Until frosty looks up way in the sky and says . "Look over there look it's an egg". "It is"pop agreed.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Adventures of bob
In a world where everything is blue even the animals. There was a boy name bob he owned a very big light blue house. It has a very nice blue flat screen tv. bob loved blue volcanos. To him they are amazing. They shoot dark blue lava.
Friday, 16 January 2015
Best post ever
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg That spells amazing made by Jaylen calloway
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Frosty 3
Adventures of frosty 3
Frosty and pop finally reach hot fudge island on there roast beer float speed boat. "We here were really here" pop says. "Hey Frosty" "quick question why are we here for a very big and dangerous pet ?" Pop asks . "Great question", frosty replies "and an even greater answer because dinosaurs are amazing duh". "That is the absolute worst answer!" Said pop
Frosty and pop finally reach hot fudge island on there roast beer float speed boat. "We here were really here" pop says. "Hey Frosty" "quick question why are we here for a very big and dangerous pet ?" Pop asks . "Great question", frosty replies "and an even greater answer because dinosaurs are amazing duh". "That is the absolute worst answer!" Said pop
Friday, 9 January 2015
Chunking To Imitate
IMITATION: Frying his body all day,/ Jacob Johnson/ got a horrible sunburn by afternoon /because the cheap suntan lotion from his brother/ became a thin liquid/ and dripped into the sand.
IMITATION: All kinds of vegetables,/ From celery to fresh tomatoes/ were laughing or dancing
IMITATION: All kinds of vegetables,/ From celery to fresh tomatoes/ were laughing or dancing
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Wonder essay
In the book Wonder written by R.J. Palacio Augest has to go to school but there is just on problem . His face looks a bit different from other peoples face. He has a cleft palette So school for him is horrible. Everyone stares at him all the time except his family. I guess no onehe's very ordinary. Never judge a book by it's cover or in auggies case never judge a boy by his face.
In the first chapter Augest or auggie said this "I not an ordinary ten year old kid. I mean, sure, I eat ice cream. T ride my bike. I play ball. I have an Xbox. Stuff like that makes me normal I guess. Auggie must feel un ordinary just be cause of his face. So he feels un ordinary every where he goes.
In the sixth chapter auggie is meeting a principal for a school he may be going to. Auggie has never been to a real school he was home schooled. The principals name was Mr.Tushman. He was nervous because also was meeting three kids. The kids names were Jack , Julian and Charlotte . The kids where taking him on a tour of the school. He ends up going to the school.
Auggies favorite holiday is Halloween. It's his favorite holiday because he gets to where a mask. And a coustume and no one can see his face. He can feel really really normal no will make fun of him. He can be happy because none stares when he's wearing a mask. Auggie eventually gets two friends and loves school. Ones a girl the others a boy, the boys name is Jack and the girls name's Summer. But of course a person still doesn't like auggie that much.
I think wonder by R.J. Palacio is abou being nice to people, no matter what they look like. And to be confident that you can do great things. Even if you look or feel different from other people. Push to do your best what you do no matter who you are. Just be a wonderful person just like auggie.
In the first chapter Augest or auggie said this "I not an ordinary ten year old kid. I mean, sure, I eat ice cream. T ride my bike. I play ball. I have an Xbox. Stuff like that makes me normal I guess. Auggie must feel un ordinary just be cause of his face. So he feels un ordinary every where he goes.
In the sixth chapter auggie is meeting a principal for a school he may be going to. Auggie has never been to a real school he was home schooled. The principals name was Mr.Tushman. He was nervous because also was meeting three kids. The kids names were Jack , Julian and Charlotte . The kids where taking him on a tour of the school. He ends up going to the school.
Auggies favorite holiday is Halloween. It's his favorite holiday because he gets to where a mask. And a coustume and no one can see his face. He can feel really really normal no will make fun of him. He can be happy because none stares when he's wearing a mask. Auggie eventually gets two friends and loves school. Ones a girl the others a boy, the boys name is Jack and the girls name's Summer. But of course a person still doesn't like auggie that much.
I think wonder by R.J. Palacio is abou being nice to people, no matter what they look like. And to be confident that you can do great things. Even if you look or feel different from other people. Push to do your best what you do no matter who you are. Just be a wonderful person just like auggie.
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